
Discover the incredible cultural heritage and rich history of the Thrace area.

Discover Thrace

The cradle of ancient civilizations, where Europe gently kissed Asia.

The Thracians

The Thracians were a mysterious group of tribes who occupied the southeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula.

Tour Thrace

Explore the diverse cultural-historical heritage of the region.

Pomorie Hive Tomb
2 km southwest of Pomorie, the ancient Anhialo is the largest Thracian beehive tomb in Bulgaria. It is in the bowels of ...
Mesembria - Nessebar
The ancient city is located 28 km in a straight line from the city of Burgas. It is located on the Nessebar peninsula. T...
Aquae Calidae - Therma / Thermopolis
Aquae Calidae is 15 km northwest of Vetren, Burgas. The archeological site is a late ancient city, in the centre of whic...
Apollonia - Sozopolis - Sozopol
The famous Apollonia was founded ca. 611 BC by settlers of the Greek city of Miletus, in the present-day Republic of Tur...
Historical Iron Foundry
The Historical Iron Foundry is located at the 3.800m distance, Southeast from the Demirkoy Municipality’s Center, Kırkl...
Markeli Fortress
The majestic Markeli Fortress is built on a high hill 7 km west of the town of Karnobat. The earliest archeological find...

About the Project

The main project aim is to increase tourism attractiveness of the Cross border area through reconstruction and socialization of two very important archaeological sites - the Medieval Fortress Rusokastro in Kameno Municipality/Burgas region and Asagipinar open air museum in Kirklareli, which is demonstrating the prehistorical period and the rich historical past of these lands.

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This website was created with funding from the European Union through the interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020 (CCI No. 2014TC16I5CB005). The content of this website is the sole responsibility of the organizations which are implementing the project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Programme.

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